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Tincidunt varius sequi, integer magna ac, donec curabitur. Rhoncus sed. Lectus vitae augue, mauris tincidunt. Ut nec fermentum, dolor vestibulum. Nunc neque tincidunt, non dictumst tempus. Et id, duis sit arcu, felis porta donec. Proin tincidunt.

Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 5:09 AM

This  Html Encoder Tool converts special Html Characters to their entities. It converts Special characters in this way,

  • '<' becomes '&lt;'
  • '>' becomes '&gt;'
  • '"' (double quote) becomes '&quot;'
  • ''' (single quote) becomes '&#039;'
  • '&' becomes '&amp;'

Convert Text to Html...

Click Here for More Tools...updated

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Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 6:45 AM

Many bloggers find it easier said than done to blog regularly. On the other hand, other bloggers find it easy to blog every day.

As you are aware, for your blogging to be efficient, you will need to add fresh content to your blog on a habitual basis. Here are five tips that you can use to make blogging work easy:

1.    Write your blog content in advance and save it so that it’s ready to be posted every day. When you have time to write, try to write enough blog content that will be sufficient for a number of days or for the entire week. You can write down and save your blog posts on your blog, and all you have to do is to publish the posts every day. This means that on those days when you do not have the time to write, you can still post fresh content on your blog using the blog posts you have saved.

2.    Blog in relation to a broad variety of stuff that relate to your niche. Think about any information connecting to your niche which your blog visitors or readers will be interested in seeing on your blog. Identify the sub-niches in your niche and write about those as well, I have also a posted on this blog on how to get ideas on what to post on you blog.  You should never run out of ideas on what to blog about.

3.    Encourage your blog readers to leave some comments relating to your posts and your niche. This is a straightforward way of getting unique content on your blog. The more interaction you allow on your blog, the more content you will have on your blog.

4.    Research and look for the key questions and issues that people in your niche are concerned in, and supply information that addresses those questions on your blog. Look in the related forums for the hot topics that people are asking, and provide answers to these questions on your blog. This will make your blog helpful to your readers since it will have information which your readers are looking for. This gives you a wide range of topics that you can blog about.

5.    Use EBooks or books content, modify it and make it unique and break it into blog posts. It is essential that you make the contents very unique otherwise you will be penalized for copied content. If you use books and EBooks content as a starting point for your blog posts means that you will be able to create blog content easily and quickly.

You can apply these tips to make blogging easy. The more you blog, the more visitors and loyal readers you'll have.

Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 6:26 AM

How to make your Blog DoFollow or NoFollowThis will only be just a short post about a trick on how make a DoFollow or a NoFollow system on your blog, for more understandings and elaboration of these link systems, you can refer on "DoFollow vs. NoFollow" post.

Blogger templates are mostly set to default to have a NoFollow system so in order to change this system into DoFollow do this:

Go to Layout->Edit Html-> and check the expand widgets template
    Then search for this code:

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'>
(Tip: You can press CTRL+F to open the search bar and then try to write there the code above to easily find it)
So after you find the code above just change it to your preference, If you want your blog to to have a DoFollow system then just delete the "rel='nofollow'" and if you want it to have a NoFollow system then just leave it as it is.

Questions, suggestions and comments? You’re very welcome to leave a feedback, thank you =)

Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 6:34 AM

How to add meta tags on your blog
Many newbie bloggers get confused and take for granted the use of Meta tags
Which is for pro bloggers an essential and a must to their blogs.

What is Meta Tags?
Meta Tags in plain English is simply like a label or a tag on what is your blog or website all about, it is like a description and a category on what is your blog for, what it talks about, what does it offers or simply what is it.
A blog or website without a meta tag is just like a magazine being displayed on a fruit stand rather than a magazine stand, when people surf or browse the web, they tend to search or find the things only relevant to what they want, for example when your blog is all about "cats" and here comes web surfer who searched for "dogs", do you think the web surfer will waste his time reading your blog?

Newbie bloggers tend to take for granted meta tags because they think it's just a waste of their time, but for pro bloggers, it is really worth their time, because they knew meta tags is one of the key they need for a successful blog.

On meta tags you write the title, the description, the keywords and the author of the blog, so that people who wants to search for the topic or the niche of your blog, they will find it easily and relevant to what they need.

Here is a way of adding Meta tag on your blog:

    For Blogger:

    Go to Dashboard->Layout->Edit HTML

    Then check the "expand widgets" box then find ""(without the quotation marks of course), you can find it usually on the 5th or 6th line on your html, to find it easily you can press CTRL+F then write it down.

    Now, copy and paste this code exactly below the term we have searched:

<meta content='Blog Description' name='description'/>
<meta content='Blog Keywords' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Blog Author' name='Blog Name'/> 
Just change the words colored in red on your own preference.

    On "Blog Description", you can write down what is your blog all about, on "Blog keywords", you can write down words that describe your blog or the words that is mostly used and relevant to your blog, on "Blog Author", you can write your name or your group to be acknowledge as the blog writers or owners, and finally "Blog name", just write down the name of your blog.

You can apply these tips to make blog more professional and standardize, I guarantee to you,
you have made the right choice on adding a Meta tags on your blog.

Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 1:38 AM

how to chedule your post
We often have problems that sometimes you’d like to write a post now and have it published at a specified time in the future. And so I'm pleased to say that this feature is ready for you to try out on Blogger in draft.

Publishing a post in the future is pretty simple: in the post editor, reveal the Date and Time fields using the “Post Options” toggle and enter a post date and time that is in the future. When you then click the “Publish” button, your post will become “scheduled.” When the date and time of the post arrive, your post will be automatically published to your blog.

Your scheduled posts appear in your Edit Posts list alongside your drafts and published posts. To un-schedule a post, simply save it as a draft any time before it gets published.

Remember:  Scheduled Posts only work when you’ve logged in to

Posted By Raven G. Duran on/at 9:44 PM

Finding it hard on what to post on your blog?
Or maybe you just lost your ideas and inspiration on what specifically you are going to post on your blog, There are really times we tend to forget the things we should write, especially when we are at the middle we tend to lost our focus and lost the thoughts we should've write, Well if your experiencing this

tips for blogging
here are some tips and suggestions to have an idea on what to post on your blog:

•Read Magazines
This is helpful especially if your blog must be updated, you can read magazines that is relevant to your blog's niche or topic, by reading magazines you may have an skeleton idea on what to post on your blog and add some more of your own opinion or knowledge about the topic discussed.

•Browse and skim other Blogs
You can also browse some blogs that is somewhat like to your blog's nich or topic, the best place to do this is to go to Technorati, it is a blog search engine and ranking website, you can browse to the topic or category that is somewhat similar to your blog's niche.

•Copy other Blog posts
It is somewhat awkward but is very helpful on putting a relevant post on your blog, it also helps building relationship with other blogs when you put their credits to the post originated from them and linking back to them which will also help your search engine optimization.

•Hire Blog writers
This is a bit pricey choice but it's very worth the price, because you can control posts that only expert writers do, there are many Blog writers out there willing to put a good post on your blog for a price, it usually cost $5 to $10 a post depending on the writers level and fame.

In conclusion, there are many tips aside from above to help you have an idea on what to post on your blog but I guess those from above are practical and helpful ways to have a critical idea related to your blog, after all it's on your choice.

Happy blogging!!!